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November 22, 2021
My Fall 2021 Digital Marketing Internship

As my internship at Relevance Advisors draws to a close, I have been reflecting on what I have learned this semester. The Fall 2021 Digital Marketing internship was my first real experience in the marketing field. Before this internship I knew very little about digital marketing and all of the work that goes into it. […]

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November 8, 2021
VWO Engage: A Different Way to Reach Customers

Are you trying to nudge your customers into the next step of the buyer journey? Discourage cart abandonment? Let buyers know about your latest and greatest deals? VWO Engage may be just the tool you’re looking for.   An Introduction to VWO Engage VWO Engage (previously known as PushCrew) is designed to help businesses engage […]

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November 1, 2021
Meet Our Fall 2021 Intern

Hi! My name is Madeline Patel and I’m the new Fall 2021 Digital Marketing Intern at Relevance Advisors. I am from Marietta, Georgia and currently am in my fourth year at Georgia Tech. I’m finishing my degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Information Technology and will graduate in May 2022. I have decided […]

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October 25, 2021
Analytics Basics for Nonprofits

From donations to volunteer logs, nonprofits collect an array of data. However, without analysis, that’s all it is: data. It’s not until organizations compile, organize, and analyze that data that it becomes something meaningful, something that can be used to identify trends and make informed decisions on how to push the nonprofit’s mission forward.    […]

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October 18, 2021
SEO Basics for Nonprofits

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the best ways for a nonprofit to increase their visibility in search engine results and drive organic traffic to their website. After all, the majority of web traffic is organic, and the higher the ranking of your page on the search engine results page (SERP), the more likely […]

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October 11, 2021
The Intern SEO Audit Program

Here at Relevance Advisors, one of our core values is to “Pay it Forward''. We want to do our part in ensuring the success of important causes, which is why we have an SEO Audit Program for our interns. By helping nonprofits find their voice and optimize their organic content, they can reach the right […]

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September 21, 2021
Google Ad Grants

There are a lot of reasons a nonprofit organization might want to advertise on Google, whether it’s to encourage donations, recruit volunteers and sponsors, or to raise general awareness. However, many nonprofits may not have the funds to advertise their services.  The Google Ad Grants program was introduced as a way to provide nonprofits with […]

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August 3, 2021
Marketing is Changing on Facebook & Instagram – Here’s What You Need to Know

Here are some recent or upcoming changes to Facebook and Instagram that have a big impact on marketing efforts. Limited Data Tracking on Facebook In an effort to promote data privacy and transparency, Apple recently launched an iOS 14 update that made it so apps like Facebook must prompt users to choose whether or not […]

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July 27, 2021
3 Ways to Improve SEO on Your Website in 2021

As the online world continues to become more and more mobile, it is necessary to ensure that your business is prepared to serve customers both at home and on the go. The world changed drastically in 2020, and the stats on mobile device use reflect that change. The global average time spent on mobile devices […]

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July 20, 2021
Leveraging Google Analytics for Your Small Business

Google Analytics, a free service designed to help businesses analyze data and make smarter decisions, can be a powerful tool for small businesses and nonprofits. This tool can help answer questions such as which pages your target market is or isn’t visiting, which social media campaigns drive more traffic to your site, and if your […]

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