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June 21, 2015
Just Buying Time

Updates on Google's (and Other's) Newest Feature: The Buy Button Earlier last month, Google announced the testing of a “Buy Button” on search result pages. Two more companies were quick to follow suit - Instagram and Pinterest each announced the roll out of their own “buy buttons” soon after. Instagram has promised to help businesses […]

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May 22, 2015
AdWords Livestream 2015

Building For the Next Moment In their latest Livestream earlier this month, AdWords focused their attention on the importance of mobile advertising.  They revealed that 93% of customers who researched a product on their smartphone went on to purchase. With Google being a primary catalyst in fulfilling those “I want-to-know”, “I want-to-do” and "I want-to-buy […]

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April 23, 2015
Google Dynamic Structured Snippets

Google announced its addition of Dynamic Structured Snippets to search ads. This additional text highlights industry specific, structured information about your products and services and serves as a way for users to see what type of information is listed in a website from an ad. The content is automatically generated by using information within the […]

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March 17, 2015
New Mobile Search Ranking Factors

In the past, Google has made the proper changes to allow sites to be viewed on modern devices. Now, they are making it easier for users to discover more mobile-friendly content. On April 21st, mobile-friendliness will be integrated as a ranking factor, affecting mobile searches in all languages around the world. This makes it especially […]

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March 12, 2015
Free SEO Workshop at Atlanta Tech Village

SEO is no longer about meta tags and PageRank. Yes, on-page optimization and links still matter, but there is so much more. The current landscape of SEO is about content, trust and authenticity - it's about building a strong brand that is particularly relevant for a certain set of topics. Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon and […]

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February 10, 2015
Bing Ads Connect Event

Our team recently attended Microsoft’s Bing Ads Connect event. This informational event connected companies, like ours, that specialize in paid search advertising with experienced Microsoft search marketers. It was a great opportunity to personally get to know Microsoft’s team and explore new insights on the advantages of using Bing. Bing/Yahoo also covers 29% of the […]

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December 9, 2014
Mobile Spend Expected to Overtake Desktop Next Year

Search Engine Land reported this month that advertising spend on mobile is expected to overtake desktop as soon as next year.  By 2018, mobile is expected to account for over 76% of all search spending.  This is an important reminder for those advertisers not yet on mobile that do have potential customers there. Though the […]

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December 9, 2014
Google Discontinues Campaign-Level Location Extensions

In July, Google announced the ability to link Google My Business accounts (previously known as Google Places) and AdWords accounts. This allowed for all business locations to be managed through Google My Business and eliminated the need to set up locations for each individual campaign in AdWords. In addition to the easier location management Google […]

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November 11, 2014
Google's New Ad Customizers

Google continues to roll out new tools designed to provide larger advertisers with scalability.  They call these “Tools For The Power User” with the Ad Customizer being the most recent one announced.  This tool is especially helpful for advertisers that have thousands of products or services and need to show highly relevant ads to customers.  […]

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November 11, 2014
Google Debuts Local Forwarding Numbers for Call Extensions

Call extensions are not new. Call extensions add credibility to ads and brands, even if the user never dials the number, by simply giving them the ability to speak to a live person to ask questions and verify information. To track the activity around call extensions, Google shows a “Google Forwarding Number”, that is different […]

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