SEO-Optimized Content Marketing

Written by: 
Molly Niemczyk

SEO and content marketing go hand in hand. Both typically have the ultimate goal of increasing visits to your website, or the number of actions taken by customers. Yet, businesses often fall into the trap of optimizing for each one independent of the other, and may create content for their site without fully considering how that content serves their overarching SEO strategy. Today, we’re explaining how you can avoid some common pitfalls, and make sure that your content marketing is SEO-optimized. Before we dive into things, let’s briefly review what content marketing is, and why it’s important.


An Introduction to Content Marketing

Content marketing involves the creation of blogs, case studies, videos, and other content to engage current and potential customers. An effective content marketing strategy ensures that you have increased visibility online, and have posited yourself as an authority in your business’s field. Good content marketing also helps to build trust among your customers, which naturally leads to increased customer loyalty.

For more information about content marketing, check out our blog post that dives deeper on the topic.


Optimizing Content Marketing for SEO

Content marketing naturally works in favor of SEO by encouraging backlinks and customer engagement, but the extent to which it does so is dependent on whether you’ve optimized it to rank well on search engines. Here are a few tips to make sure that the content you’re creating is primed to appear in search results.


Consider Search Intent 

There are four types of search intent. Commercial intent is when users want to do research on a potential purchase. Informational intent is when users want to learn about something. Navigational intent is when users are looking for a particular page. Transactional intent is when users want to complete a transaction.

You probably have some idea of the organic keywords that you and your competitors are ranking for, as well as keywords that you want to rank for. But do you understand the search intent of your customers? That may impact the type of content you create around certain keywords.


Improve the User Experience

You might have some of the best content in the industry published on your site, but if the website is too difficult to navigate, users may give up before they even see it. Make sure that your content is readable, easy to find, and appropriately tagged with updated links. If you’re sending a newsletter, make sure that the images load properly. If you’re writing an article, double-check that the website uses responsive design to ensure that the words don’t go off the page on smaller devices, like mobile phones.


Keep Creating New Content

New content is important for SEO for two reasons. One, it signals to users that you’re still active. And two, it ensures that your content is up-to-date, because, hey, you only published it yesterday!

There are other benefits to fresh content too, depending on the type of content you’re creating. Publishing new blogs regularly helps you to create a strong backlog of content for interested customers to peruse. And frequent newsletters remind customers about your business and keep them informed about your latest products, services, and deals. 



Our agency can help your e-commerce business thrive. Interested in learning more about content marketing? Contact Relevance Advisors today, or sign up for our newsletter to receive marketing tips and tricks, as well as information on digital marketing trends.



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