The Importance of Content Marketing

Written by: 
Molly Niemczyk

Content marketing can make a huge impact on your overall SEO efforts. Let’s talk about what content marketing is, and the importance of creating effective content for your website.


What is Content Marketing?

As you might have guessed by the name, content marketing involves creating “content” – blogs, emails, social media posts, etc. – and using it to engage (or market to) current and existing customers.


What Are Some Examples of Content Marketing? 

Blogs: Informational articles and blogs can be an effective way of proving yourself as an expert in your industry. For example, if you sell shoes, you can post blogs about the different types of shoes, the best shoes for comfort vs. styles, and more! It allows you to inform your audience while also promoting your own brand.

Newsletters: Emails and newsletters allow companies to update their customers on the latest deals, product launches, and website updates. They’re a great way to inform your audience of timely offers and promotions that may not make sense as a full blog post. 

Social Media Posts: It’s safe to say that a large portion of your audience is probably on at least one of the major social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter. Creating content for social media is an excellent way to reach your customers where they are. If you sell clothes, post outfits on Instagram, “getting ready” videos on TikTok, and exclusive deals on Twitter. The methods will vary across platforms, but the main idea is to entertain and inform your audience in an engaging and relevant way.

Videos: Longer content can be effective for customers who want a more detailed look into your brand or a specific product. You can post product reviews, testimonials, company history, and more on a major video platform, like YouTube, to inform this particular audience sect.


Why is Content Marketing Important?

In short, content marketing can indirectly lead to achieving business goals, such as sales. This is achieved by increasing your authority, your visibility, and customer loyalty.

Improve Your Authority: By having a lot of high-quality content across platforms, you can position yourself as a leader in your industry. Customers may begin to trust you as an authority in the industry, which means that they’ll be more likely to turn to your site when they want a product or service they can trust.

Improve Your Visibility: Posting content across platforms, emailing customers, and publishing blog posts will allow users of all kinds to see your content. They may not be on the mailing list, but they still might see the Instagram post. They may not see the Instagram post, but they’ll see your blog when they search for information about a product on Google. The more places you share content, the more likely people are to see it.

Improve Your Customer Loyalty: The more quality content you make, the more trust you build with customers. This trust can lead to customer loyalty, which is an essential step in encouraging repeat purchases or engagement with your website.



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