Using Pinterest Product Pins to Advertise Your Online Store

Written by: 
Michael Carroll

For online retailers looking to expand their brand presence and target potential shoppers who are already interested in similar products to theirs, Pinterest is a wonderful platform to advertise on.  Although it hasn’t always seemed big enough to compete with the likes of other major social media platforms, many people do not realize that Pinterest, a visual discovery engine used to help people find all kinds of inspiration, is now the fourth most used social media platform in the US

People use Pinterest for a variety of reasons, but what remains for certain in all users is that people go on Pinterest to find things that they want to buy, see, hear, smell, eat, drink, or do in real life.  Here are a few statistics about Pinterest’s audience that show just how impactful the platform is on people’s everyday activities and purchases:

  • 250 million people use Pinterest monthly.
  • 84% of users use Pinterest when they are trying to figure out something to buy.
  • 98% of users have tried something new that they found on Pinterest.
  • 77% of users have found a new brand or product on Pinterest.

This longing for interaction beyond the platform itself creates a wonderful advertising space for companies who create great products that people would love to buy.  With such a large user base, Pinterest creates potential for your online retailer to grow significantly.  A great way to go about using Pinterest effectively is by promoting pins that you create or that are directly from your profile.  Through thoughtful audience targeting, quality content creation, and smart ad spending, you can create Promoted Pins and Product Pins that are sure to create a positive impact on sales for your online retailer.

What Are Pinterest Product Pins?

Pinterest Product Pins are a type of Promoted Pins within the Shopping With PinterestPromoted Pins are simply pins from your profile or pins you create separately that you can pay to promote to a targeted audience.  Similar to many other widely-used advertising platforms, posts participate in contests of post relevancy, business quality, and willingness to pay per impression to determine which post will be shown to an audience member over another post.  Here’s how Pinterest explains it:

“For each available ad impression, our auction system selects the best ad for that position, based on the likelihood of a desired action occurring and how much that action is worth to you. The likelihood of the action occurring depends on factors like landing page quality and targeting relevance. Your bid tells us what you'd pay for the action you choose to optimize for.”

Certain pins have a price tag icon on them, indicating that they are a Product Pin that your audience can interact with to purchase the item directly on Pinterest.  They will be able to see up-to-date product information about price and availability and be able to purchase it on your online store, all within the Pinterest external application.  Once they are finished with their purchase, they can simply click the X in the top left corner of the tab to be able to continue browsing Pinterest.

There’s no time to waste -- keep reading to learn the process for quickly creating Product Pins directly from your online catalog.

The Process

The process for creating a product pin simple--but to do it most effectively requires some knowledge about the platform, your product, and your audience.

  1. Make a Pinterest Business Account.
  2. Install the Pinterest Tag onto your website.  This lets you advertise and track return on ad spend.
  3. Utilize Pinterest Catalogs, which lets you upload the entire product catalog at once.  Once your data source is approved for Pinterest Shopping, product pins will be created for all items.
  4. Split products into groups and choose groups to promote.  You’re done!

Using the Pinterest Shopping function on your Pinterest Business account by uploading your product catalog is sure to help you get your products in front of the right audience, right when they are searching for it or even just browsing their feed of similar products. 


As e-commerce continues to take over the web, effective paid social ad spending is growing even more impactful and necessary.  Reach out if we can help your online retailer navigate this space by beginning your Pinterest ad spending journey or embarking on other paid social endeavors. 

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