Do you advertise on LinkedIn? Do you want to drive faster results and better performance in the paid social channel? LinkedIn Accelerate is an AI-powered way to create new campaigns that can improve cost-per-action by as much as 42%. Read on to learn how LinkedIn Accelerate works, and why some advertisers are using it for their own campaigns.
In a nutshell, LinkedIn Accelerate campaigns are made with LinkedIn’s AI. Then, the user can review and adjust before launching. But how does LinkedIn tailor the ads it generates to your specific business?
After creating a new Website Visit or Lead Generation campaign, advertisers can select Accelerate and provide a URL for their business, product, or service, and the name of what they are advertising. Then, LinkedIn uses generative AI to create an ideal customer profile that it can use to adjust the campaign’s targeting and the creative. Accelerate will also recommend a budget and advertising schedule based on your account history. Users can then tweak the results by adding or removing audience signals and changing location targeting. They can also draft new ads with AI, or use their own, and adjust the budget and schedule as needed.
Finally, the campaign is launched! From here, the campaign will enter an optimization period. LinkedIn will continue to analyze performance and adjust budgets and targeting across ads and ad placements as it learns what will maximize performance. You can also make manual adjustments to the campaigns as you see fit; just note that this will restart the optimization period.
LinkedIn Accelerate has a lot of benefits for advertisers. It can help you learn more about your audience and gain insight into who is interested in your business. It can improve efficiency. And, like we mentioned before, it can greatly improve cost per action compared to classic campaigns. Because you are able to adjust ad copy, creative, and targeting before launch, it also doesn’t take away the advertisers’ control of their campaigns.
However, there are limits to Accelerate’s abilities. If your ads aren’t in English, a Classic campaign might better suit your needs. Certain objectives, budget types, and ad formats are also only available with Classic campaigns. So, if you’re looking to create a video ad or focus on Brand Awareness, you might want to stick to a regular campaign for now.
If you do use Accelerate to create a campaign, remember that the best way to ensure success with LinkedIn Accelerate is to continuously monitor performance, and make sure that your Accelerate campaigns are aligned with your business objectives.
Interested in utilizing LinkedIn Accelerate for your own business? Try A/B testing an Accelerate campaign against your Classic campaigns to see if you notice a difference in performance. You can get started by going into your Campaign Manager on LinkedIn.
Does your business need help with paid advertising on LinkedIn? Relevance Advisors has the expertise and know-how to help you succeed. Reach out today for a free consultation.