HubSpot and Inbound Marketing

Written by: 
Molly Niemczyk

What is Inbound Marketing?

Before we begin talking about HubSpot and how it works, we need to understand what, exactly, inbound marketing is. According to HubSpot itself:

“Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t always want, inbound marketing forms connections they are looking for and solves problems they already have.”

 To put it simply, inbound marketing is the process of creating and sharing content that is built specifically to attract potential customers. Rather than “push” your brand, product, or service out, inbound marketing is made to draw prospects in.


How HubSpot Fits In

HubSpot creates software that is designed around this idea of inbound marketing. The company refers to a version of “Inbound Methodology” to identify the actions that its tools are equipped to help advertisers implement.

 HubSpot’s inbound flywheel model is divided into three steps: Attracting visitors, turning visitors into leads, and nurturing leads into customers.


Attracting Visitors

 If you want to implement your own inbound marketing strategy, it might be a good idea to run a content audit. This will help you gain a better understanding of not only the content you have, but how much exists and where it’s located. HubSpot provides some valuable pointers and templates that will help marketing professionals conduct a proper audit.

Once your goals are defined and you know what you’re currently creating, you can begin creating new and improved content. As you do so, its important to keep in mind your SEO strategy. HubSpot has a guide on topic-based content and a blog of best practices that can help.


Creating Leads

Once you have visitors, you’ll want to turn them into promising leads. The best way to do this is by offering them something of value. It could be an Excel template, eBook, or research paper. Regardless, make it easy to find and incentivize your visitors to download/sign up.

A Call to Action (CTA) is crucial, and typically, customers will be prompted to enter basic information in order to receive whatever it is that you’re offering. HubSpot recommends creating a HubSpot landing page, which you can learn about here.


Gaining Customers

So, you have a good number of leads. Now comes the final step: nurturing those leads into customers. According to HubSpot, one of the most effective ways to do so is via targeted content.

The company allows some customers to create lead nurturing workflows, which means that advertisers can automate their marketing and increase the efficiency of their team. HubSpot also recommends the meetings tool in the CRM and its templated emails in order to generate sales. Find information about these tools and more here.



Want to improve your inbound marketing efforts? Relevance Advisors has the expertise and know-how to help your B2B company succeed. Reach out today to learn more about the services we offer.

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